Sunday, December 19, 2010

Victor's Song

Hmmm - hoping this will work. I've found the embedding instructions a little sketchy but I can see You tube stuff on other blogs so it shouldn't be too difficult to master.

This is a scene from my favourite movie of all time - Local Hero. You'd have thought 25 years later something else would have taken it's place on my fave spectrum but no. Nostalgia is a powerful thing and I'm a giant dag who loves bad karaoke. What can I say - I just love the old guys in the corner!

So online video for library use, I'm not sure yet.  Having a snappy quirky or funny video with a tour of the library or instruction/information could get people in and it's fun - lets face it. But I'm not sure the space and time it takes up are valuable - at the moment. Videos would need to be short, very informative, relevant and above all - entertaining. People are inundated with stuff on screens and in video form. Finding something that stands out in a positive way would be the big problem. Not every amateur video producer creates outstanding memorable (for the right reason) video. And not everyone thinks the same thing is entertaining - case in point - Victor's Song which I happen to love.

Hope you enjoy Victor.


  1. Looks like the video worked just fine!

    I think embedded videos would be great as little tutorials for things like the e-resources/databases. Bust as you say, it really needs to be done well.

  2. the video worked really well

    I havent seen that Movie but now I want to.

  3. Local Hero! I'm sure I've got a VHS copy sitting in a box somewhere. And a VHS player sitting in another box...

  4. I remember watching this film, the old guys in the corner make it worth watching.
