Thursday, December 2, 2010

RSS Blog

I like RSS. I have a couple of pods I've subscribed to in the past using a different aggregator - Bloglines. It was especially good for ensuring I had plenty of listening material to load onto the old MP3 for walking.
This year things have been pretty hectic and I've discovered audiobooks. So less walking and less need for listening so my visits to Bloglines have wained ... well stopped, really.
Doing this course has re-ingnited my urge to subscribe to stuff so I thought I'd have a look at my old account. Imagine my surprise when I opened it to find not only hundreds of items waiting for me to view (ack), but a notice advising me that the whole thing was closing down for good in TWO days. So I noted the ones I wanted to keep up and popped them into the Gmail reader. A couple of my favourites are now on my own blog for all to see. What a great way to make info available to others!

What I like the most about RSS is being able to have everything I might like to listen to, read or comment on in one place so when I have time to sit and go through (I try to do it once a week now, not once a year!) I can see all my feeds and the blogs I like in one go.

The other really GREAT thing is that podcasts which might only be available for a short time are still there for me to download without having to dig around in the bowels of a website's archive to find them.

It also means I get to select the info I want to know about - for libraries patrons that might be new book bulletins or events information - but not info I don't need. So I'd rather subscribe to an RSS feed than an e-newsletter which arrives into my inbox unannounced only to be promptly deleted!



  1. You obviously enjoy the RSS feeds a lot more than me. Isn't there something better you could do with your time other than looking at a computer in your spare time. I suppose having Guinea pigs as pets is the same as having mice only bigger.I liked the layout and the colours you used in your blog.

  2. RSS feeds are great, I am also finding them a lot of fun, I have to get into the habit of adding websites that I find and like and only remember to check every now and then. This way it all comes to me in my inbox : )

  3. Good points on the RSS feeds. It is a good way of having all the info right there for you.

  4. RSS feeds are really useful. And can be fun, you can have everything in one place and at your fingertips
