Having raved about Twitter I find I'm less enthusiastic about Facebook as a personal use site.
I've had an account for about 12 months and find I rarely use it - too much junk on there that's more than 150 odd characters.
Having said that, I can see the value for libraries having a presence on Facebook.
Just the sheer volume of people who use it and are comfortable accessing information and keeping informed through Facebook is a pretty compelling reason to use it to promote library stuff. Facebook can serve as a forum, an information provision tool, a reader advisory source and a promotional site - all FREE!
Readers and interested parties are familiar with its look, how it works and can contribute to or take from it as much or as little as they like. It's not a huge time consumer to maintain once set up and I think it's both cost and time effective as a service for us to offer. It's there, lots of people know about it, so why not use it?
That Facebook is free and usable as a Forum and Marketing tool is I think, a major argument for Libraries to have a Facebook presence. It also reaches new and different groups of people to come or use the Library services.